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Homepage: this button activates the 'Homepage' tool. The map will be reset to the default values. The default scale and map detail appears.
Zoom in: this button activates the 'Zoom in' tool. The user can zoom into the map image by simply clicking on the map. A square can also be optionally drawn in the map with the mouse. The map image is then reassembled and the selected detail shown at maximum size.
Previous: this button is used to undo the last change in the image detail starting from the detail currently shown.
Next: this button is used to undo the last change in the image detail by the 'Previous' tool.
Radius search: this button activates the 'Radius search' tool and a dialog box appears on screen. Enter the desired radius and click on any point in the map. The search result that will be shown contains all results within the radius that match those search criteria you entered beforehand.
Placemark: this button is a link. Add the button to your browser's bookmarks bar by Drag and Drop. Alternatively you can position the cursor over the button and press the right mouse key. You can also copy the link address in the context menu that then appears. This lets you send the link as an email.
Scale: this button activates the 'Scale' tool and a dialog box appears on screen. Enter the desired scale manually and then click OK. The desired scale and map detail then appears.
Measure: this button activates the 'Measure' tool and a dialog box appears on screen. Click on points in the map image to perform a distance measurement that can be ended with a double click. The overall route will be shown in the dialog box.
Calculate areas: this button activates the 'Calculate areas' tool and a dialog box appears on screen. You have to click at least three points on the map to show a surface area. Double click to stop drawing. The area size will be shown in the dialog box.
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